Looking up general information on databases

  1. Select the Backoffice > System menu and click on the desired database tab, Administration or Logs.

  2. In the SQL Server section, look up the following information:

Instance Name of the SQL Server instance.
Version SQL Server version used.
Last Connection Number of seconds since the backend's last connection to the database.
  • Green: All databases can be reached and less than 71% of the disk space is used. Saturation of the database is estimated in more than three months.

  • Orange: On at least one database, between 71% and 80% of the disk space is used, or saturation is estimated in one to three months.

  • Red: At least one database cannot be reached, or more than 80% of the disk space is used. Saturation of one of the databases is estimated in less than a month.

Database files
  • Usage: Percentage of the available space currently used by the file.

  • Space used: Space currently allocated by SQL Server for the file.

  • Total space: Space available on the disk for the file.