Automatically protecting local folder content
Automatic protection can be enabled on folders on your workstation so that all sub-folders and files that you place there will be systematically protected.
This feature depends on the File feature and cannot run without it.

- In Windows Explorer, right-click on the local folder that you wish to protect and select Stormshield Data Security > Automatically protect folder.
The Select recipients window opens with only your name because by default you are the only person allowed to decrypt the folder's content. -
If you wish to share the contents of the protected folder with other users or groups, enter their name in the search field. The search can display users present in the trusted directory, or in the LDAP directory if configured.
- Click on OK.
- If you wish, apply the new rule immediately to the entire contents of the folder.
A protection rule is created containing the path to the folder along with the user or list of users authorized to decrypt its contents.
All new files and folders that are moved to this folder will now be automatically encrypted. A blue padlock appears on their icons. - If you wish to apply the rule later to all folder contents already present before automatic protection was enabled, right-click on the protected folder and select Stormshield Data Security > Advanced > Apply changes to the entire folder.
If some of the files in the folder have already been protected, the following behaviors apply:
- Users who were allowed to access these files will be replaced with those specified by the more recent protection rule.
- Files that are already encrypted, and which you are not allowed to access, will not be processed.
- Files encrypted in .sbox format will not be processed.
If you move the folder and its content, the protection rule will be updated. All the content remains protected and automatic protection will remain enabled on the folder.

- In Windows Explorer, right-click on the folder for which you wish to manage the list of authorized co-workers.
- Select Stormshield Data Security > Edit access.
- In the Select recipients window, add or remove users or groups authorized to decrypt the folder's contents. Enter their name in the search field.
- Click on OK.
- Apply the change to the entire folder if you wish.
The folder and its contents are now accessible to all users you have authorized. - If you later wish to apply this change to all folders and files already present beforehand, right-click on the protected folder and select Stormshield Data Security > Advanced > Apply changes to the entire folder.

- From Windows explorer, right-click on the folder on which you wish to disable automatic protection. This folder must not be located in a synchronized space that was automatically protected by the administrator, and you must be authorized to access it.
- Select Stormshield Data Security > Advanced > Disable protection on the folder.
When you disable folder protection, the documents it contains remain encrypted. However, all new files that you add to it will no longer be automatically encrypted.