
Parameter Description

Allows to define account certificate template.

  • KeyUsage

Indicates the list of the certificate's KeyUsages with the following syntax:

KeyUsage = <Value>*(+ <Value>) où <Value> is one of the following keywords:

  • DS: Usage Digital Signature
  • NR: Usage Non Repudiation
  • KE: Usage Key encryption
  • DE: Usage Data Encryption
  • KA: Usage Key Agreement
  • CS: Usage Key Cert Sign
  • CR: Usage CRL Sign
  • EO: Usage Encipher Only
  • DO: Usage Decipher Only

If the item is missing, there is no filtering by KeyUsage

  • ExtendedKeyUsage

ExtendedKeyUsage = <EkuToken> *(, < EkuToken >)

<EkuToken>= <Oid>| <EKUKeyWord>

<EKUKeyWord>= clientAuth | emailProtection

<Oid> is the “String” representation for OID


If the item is missing, there is no filtering by extendedKeyUsage

  • AuthorityCommonName

This item contains the commonName value for the certificate issuer:

AuthorityCommonName=< CN for certificate issuer>