Configuring advanced settings in the Sbox.ini file

Some advanced parameters are managed in the SBox.ini configuration file found in the folder Program Files\Arkoon\Security BOX\Kernel.

The file is divided into several sections, each of which correspond to a feature in SDS Enterprise. Various parameters are found in these sections.

The tables below contain the descriptions of the parameters, categorized by feature. When editing the file, please comply with the following conditions:

  • If an optional value in the configuration file is invalid, the default value is used.

  • The SBox.ini file does not support Unicode characters. As a result, the configured paths can contain only ANSI characters, except / * ? < > " | ! # @. However, these characters can be inserted between quotes.

  • After you have modified the SBox.ini file, we recommend that you reboot the computer to ensure that all of the changes are applied.

Configuration via Windows group policy

You can also define the configuration settings of the SBox.ini file through the Windows Group Policy (GPO), in the "Machine" settings, or in the "User" settings.

Stormshield recommends setting the local policy parameters by GPO, rather than via the SBox.ini file.

It is possible to generate .adm files that can be integrated into the "Group Strategy" console, making it possible to configure the options.

Each [Section,Item] parameter is determined in the following reading order:

  1. Key HKCU\Software\Policies\Arkoon\Security BOX Suite\<Section>\<Item> (the item is always in REG_SZ format).
  2. Key HKLM\Software\Policies\Arkoon\Security BOX Suite\<Section>\<Item> (the item is always in REG_SZ format).
  3. sbox.ini file.

SDS Enterprise will apply the first configuration that it finds and ignore the ones that follow. So if a parameter is configured in the HKCU folder, the HKLM folder and the SBox.ini file will be ignored.