Downloading SDS Enterprise agents' installation packages form SDMC

You can choose to download an .msi or .exe package from SDMC

  1. Select the Downloads menu on the left.

  2. Select the .msi or .exe package from the upper section in the language of your choice:


    Package allowing the product to be installed in silent mode. See Deploy the SDS Enterprise agent installation package and a custom security policy to user workstations.


    Standalone package allowing the solution and its requirements to be installed in interactive mode. See Deploy the SDS Enterprise agent installation package and a custom security policy to user workstations.

  3. Download the package and refer to the following section for details on how to deploy it.

The links on the download page redirect you to the MyStormshield client area. By default, the latest available version of the agent will be downloaded. If you wish to download an earlier version, go to your MyStormshield client area.