Latest enhancements to the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace

June 25, 2024

Collaboration with external users

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace now supports the Google feature allowing users to share encrypted files with external partners on Google Drive, Docs, Sheets and Slides.
For more information, refer to the Google documentation.

May 03, 2024

External Google Meet invitations

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace now supports the Google feature that makes it possible for external users to participate in encrypted Google Meet conferences. For more information, refer to the Google documentation.

Client-side encryption and data loss prevention

You can now use Client-side encryption information as a condition in a data loss prevention rule (DLP). Google DLP makes it possible to control the content that users are allowed to share in files outside the organization. For more information, refer to the Google documentation.

March 26, 2024

Encrypted import of Excel files into Google Sheets

Users can now import and encrypt Microsoft Excel files into Google Sheets.

For more information, refer to the Google documentation.

Co-host management in Google Meet

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace is now compatible with the Google Meet co-host feature.

For more information, refer to the Google documentation.

External Google Meet invitations

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace now supports Google's Beta feature for inviting external participants to Google Meet conferences.

This Beta feature is currently under development at Google. Contact Google Support for more information on implementation and limitations.

Encryption and signature keys

It is now possible to use different keys to decrypt and sign Gmail messages.

January 17, 2024

Manage comments and action items on Google Docs

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace is now compatible with comment and action item management on Google Docs.

For more information, refer to the Google documentation.

October 24, 2023

Support for Gmail on mobile

With the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace, users can now encrypt their emails in Gmail on iOS and Android mobile devices.

September 27, 2023

Edit encrypted Excel files with Google Sheets

Users can now view and edit encrypted Excel files directly with Google Sheets.

For more information, refer to the Google documentation.

September 20, 2023

Bulk file import

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace now supports bulk import of encrypted files into Google Drive using a compatible third-party software.

For more information, refer to the Google documentation.

August 25, 2023

Support for Google Meet

With the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace, users can now encrypt confidential video conferences and calls in Google Meet. In addition to the Google Workspace Web Client, this feature is now available on iOS and Android mobile devices.

May 24, 2023

Support for chat messages in Google Meet

The content of Google Meet chat messages can now be secured with the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace.

April 27, 2023

Mass extraction and decryption of encrypted data

To ensure that data can be reversed, you can now extract all encrypted data and decrypt all of it in a single action using the Google tool (currently in beta version) and the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace. Stormshield must first provide you with a specific configuration. Please note that in the Beta version of the Google tool, only Gmail and Drive files can be used after decryption. Files from other Google Workspace applications are decrypted but not usable.

Identity provider

It is now possible to use OpenID JWKS (JSON Webkey Set) configurations to configure user identity providers.

March 31, 2023

Migration of the KACLS

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace is compatible with Google's new specifications regarding the migration of one KACLS to another, allowing in particular a massive migration in a single operation.

February 28, 2023

Support for Gmail

Gmail messages and attachments can now be secured with the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace.

February 16, 2023

Support for Google Drive

With the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace, users can now encrypt confidential files in Google Drive and read them. This feature is available on Windows and macOS workstations, and on mobile iOS and Android devices.

Support for Google Calendar

Google Calendar data can now be secured with the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace.


The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace now includes a cache for external requests (e.g., openid connect, jwks), which optimizes response time.

December 22, 2022

Gmail beta version support

Google released the beta version of the client-side encryption for Gmail. Gmail messages and attachments can now be secured with the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace.

September 29, 2022

Support for Google Meet

Google Meet data can now be secured with the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace.

Using two KACLS

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace is compatible with the new Google feature that allows two KACLS to coexist for the purpose of migrating from one service provider to another. For example, new files can be encrypted with the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace, while older files protected by another KACLS provider can be decrypted.

April 28, 2022

With the SDS encryption service for Google Workspace, you can guarantee the absolute confidentiality of your corporate data and benefit from Google Workspace collaboration tools at the same time, while complying with the regulatory restrictions of your sector.

Users can therefore protect their data before sending it to Google Workspace applications. Unencrypted data and encryption keys are never sent to Google.

The SDS encryption service for Google Workspace uses an identity provider (IDP) to authenticate end users, manage their access permissions and their life cycles. Configure the provider you want to use, and find all the detailed steps in the Google documentation.

The following are the features in SDS encryption service for Google Workspace:

Protection of files before sharing them Users protect their files on their workstations via their browsers.
Sharing of files in shared spaces Users share their protected files on Google Workspace.
Management of privileges on files The operations that each user can perform depend on the privileges that the Google Workspace administrator has granted in the configuration. For example, the privilege of sharing files with external users who belong to specific domains.
Verification of authorized persons During each operation in which a file is protected or modified, the service will ensure that persons allowed to look up the file are trustworthy.