certs action

The certs action means that a certs request has been made. This is the case whenever a migration or encryption operation to a backup KACLS is in progress and a certificate request is issued by another KACLS. It returns the KACLS public certificate.

This action generates an "info" severity log in the event of success, or a "crit" severity log in the event of an error.

The log fields for this action are as follows:






Tenant identifier.

Example: 025f02fe-bee2-444b-bf76-b5ead30327c0

String in uuid v4 format Mandatory

KACLS public certificate in JSON Web Key Set format as defined in RFC 7517.

Example provided by Google.

JSON Web Key Set object Mandatory

Other public certificate example:

"keys":  [
		"kty": "RSA",
		"n": "o_mYVlR9dFTVilwx-aFhLNX-kdO-ClsYf8qP5fMVG-9-wycen6oBmAmoQOumZP8zS3Sj6fxIC3PYB9wwW-2qAQuB7kEDT6V03-8SIUz9S1lw",
		"e": "AQAB",
		"kid": "kacls-to-kacls-migration-key",
		"use": "sig",
		"alg": "RS256"

Example of logs for the successful certs action:

  "keys": [
	   "kty": "RSA",
	   "n": "o_mYVlR9dFTVilwx-aFhLNX-kdO-ClsYf8qP5fMVG-9-zAx0oYMSCjZuvE78ZF_FwSmxu2AeDkCVXpLwbRXkbOKc83MHC8czp80RuGjy3I6vhNocdZBhnJ5H7fAFNOmtd_C3xVFtdOO6H7sd2AQQ_zoEwV0qISSLS_uZbr6gwsiyxRUUARsvEmGUUqt0lOnXniE1cKMu1mdbcCmhfZH3g5n2Z1bcq8u86KlIcZ8T0Wnu1PGMhXML4mhe6z3KH3PWqvoeYj4ILzz5KEI6zrMun-wycen6oBmAmoQOumZP8zS3Sj6fxIC3PYB9wwW-2qAQuB7kEDT6V03-8SIUz9S1lw",
	   "e": "AQAB",
	   "kid": "kacls-to-kacls-migration-key",
	   "use": "sig",
	   "alg": "RS256"