When files are stored on your workstation unprotected. They contain confidential information and you wish to protect access to them so that only you and the people you allow can read them.
When you do not have the SDS for C&M client on your workstation.
You are using SDS Encryption Portal in Full security mode. - or - You are using SDS Encryption Portal in Free mode, but you have already used the service at least once to read a protected file.
Protecting access to confidential files
Log in to SDS Encryption Portal. For more information, refer to the section Logging in to SDS Encryption Portal. The file selection page appears.
Click on the frame at the center of the page to select the file on your disk that you wish to protect. - or - Drag and drop the file you wish to protect to the frame at the center of the page.
If you wish to allow other users to read this file, enter their e-mail addresses in the Emails field. You can enter up to 30 addresses; recipients do not have to be in your company.
Click on Protect. The protected file is saved as an .sdsx file in your default download folder, and only you and the people you allow can read the file by logging in with your e-mail addresses.
If your browser prevents you from saving the file, click on Save the file.
The unprotected version of the file can still be found at its initial location. You are advised to delete it so that you have only the protected version on your disk. Remember to delete the file from the recycle bin for more security.
Make the protected file available to authorized recipients, for example by sharing them in a shared space or sending them by e-mail. These recipients will be able to read the file via SDS Encryption Portal. See Reading protected files .
If you wish to protect another confidential file, click on New file and repeat the process from step 2.